Friday, December 27, 2013

Long Time No Post!

You know, I kind of forgot I had this blog.  I used to write in it while I worked the early morning weather shows at Channel 6.  I would write between weather updates.  And then, I became the production manager at the station and got off of that duty.  Hence, I got out of the habit of posting to this blog.

So, I'm here to say that it shall begin again!

I currently work at the University, which came about this past June.  I loved what I did at the station but the hours were long and varied and I wanted something a little more 8-5 with no weekends.  What I'd previously had was 8 to 6:30 m-f, some weekends and basically 24/7 on call for engineering problems.  Not very conducive to family, friends and life outside of work.  Now that's all changed!  I do miss my channel 6 crew very much, and the challenge of solving technical problems, but I don't miss the hours.

I got married in September!  Stephanie is an amazing woman who I'm blessed to be walking through life with!
I'll be writing about our life together with our awesome kids in the future.  For now, its back to work for me.